Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Source of Knowledge

When I was a child I used to feel an intense pain in heart (heart centre) when I thought about the book burnings that have occurred throughout history. I felt heart sore thinking about all the knowledge in those books that was now lost forever. It turns out that I did not have to be heart sore at all. Books can be destroyed but the knowledge in those books can never be destroyed. Knowledge is energy and just like energy it can never be destroyed. Knowledge exists in the energy field all around us. This field has been called by various names, the akashic field, the morphogenic field, the field or the collective unconscious etc. This field functions like a computer server. Every thought we think is uploaded into the field, so the thoughts of everyone who has ever lived are contained in the field. We can access the field anytime and download thoughts from it which register in our minds as ideas. We can then write books and put those ideas down. Then some small-minded tyrant who does not like those ideas can burn or ban those books but the ideas will still be there in the field waiting for someone else to download them. The knowledge in the field exists in layers or levels. To access the knowledge at a certain level you have to be at the same level (vibrate at the same level) as the knowledge you want. Like attracts like. Things that have a similar vibration are attracted to each other. A way to make sure that you vibrate at the same rate as something is to think about that thing. Then what you think about will come to you. So if you think about a topic long enough information on that topic will come to you as ideas or books on that topic. At the highest levels in this field is the mind of God and the minds of all the advanced beings that exist. Divine inspiration occurs when you have accessed knowledge from these highest levels. To access inspiration you must have a burning question. This question must bother you so much that it is always uppermost in your mind. Then out of the blue the answer to your question will pop into your mind (the eureka! moment). That is how scientists make discoveries. They work and think on a problem for a long time then out of the blue they figure things out. The answer comes to them eventually. Anyone can access the information contained on the field and anyone can access the Mind of God. They just have to align themselves with the information they are seeking. It is like tuning into a radio station. You have to tune into the frequency of the information you want.  Then you will pick up information that broadcasts at that frequency. The information you pick up could be coming from information recorded in the field or the information may be coming from the mind of another living person. We are all connected and we are all connected to the field. Information flows between us and into or from the field. We affect the field and in turn the field affects us.


Monday, August 24, 2020

Let go of the past for a better future

 What is going on right now in your life is a result of your past energy. Your present energy is creating your future. You cannot do anything about the past and the present because the energy that created them left you a long time ago. You cannot recall it so there is nothing you can do about it, it's done, move on. The future however is still in your hands. The future is based on the energy you are giving out today, right now. You can still change that energy so that it creates the future you want. If you want a happy future you have to be happy right now. You have to give out the energy of happiness and similar energy will come back to you.

When you are on a journey you do not travel looking backwards, you look where you are going. Life is a journey so you have to focus on where you are going. That is why having goals is important. Goals tell you where you are going. If you do not have goals you are going nowhere.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

War and Peace

War is not something noble. It is something we must engage in as a last resort. It is a symbol of our failure to follow Gods Golden Rule to love one another. Similarly the army is not something to be proud of. It is not a noble profession. Fighting other human beings who are also God’s children like you is not heroic. It is sad. It is a tragedy, moreover it is unnecessary. It is not inevitable. It would be unnecessary if we followed God’s will and lived our lives according to the way God wants us to. Wars would not happen if we followed Jesus teachings. If we treated other human beings the same way we would like to be treated we would automatically treat them well. 

One of the greatest men who ever lived, my idol, Peter Tosh gave us the formula for peace. He sang, ‘there will be no peace ‘till men get equal rights and justice’ (Equal Rights/Down Presser Man Live). Equal rights and justice; that is the formula for peace! If every human being has equal rights and is treated justly, then there will no one holding a grievance. No human being will feel the need to fight for their rights or to fight for justice. Peace is not simply the absence of war. It is the absence of injustice. If all is quiet and there are no wars but some human beings live under oppression and suffer injustice then that is not peace. Undergoing military training (referred to in the bible as ‘learning war’) is not a goog thing. It will have no place in the kingdom of God (Isaiah 2:4, Micah 4: 3). So how can we pretend it is now a good thing to be a soldier and that soldiers need our support while they are out at war killing other children of God?

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