Make Friends, Not Enemies
You can never get rid of your enemies by killing them. The system won't allow it. Even if you manage to kill one enemy, more will rise in their place. You will never know peace as long as you live. Eventually one of your numerous enemies will manage to kill you. Then you will rest in peace, right? How could you? If you were not a person of peace while you were alive why should you be granted peace when you die? You did not value peace while you were alive. You did not work for it. Therefore you do not deserve it.
The only guaranteed way to get rid of your enemies, permanently, is to turn them into friends. That is why Jesus taught that people should love their enemies. That way, they will not remain enemies for long. They will turn into friends. And friends do not kill friends.
If you show love to a person and you do good things to that person, that person will become your friend. Forgiveness comees first. You first have to forgive your enemies, then you can love them, then you will be able to do good things to them. Doing all that is very tough, it's nearly impossible. But this is the earth school. A person does not go to school to learn stuff that they are good at. They go to learn things that they are struggling with.
We are all here on earth to learn to get along. That is our lesson, our mission. Being able to destroy your enemies would defeat the purpose of the lesson. Right now we are all struggling with that lesson but we have to keep on trying. We have the whole of our lives to work on getting our lessons right. And if we fail, there is always next year; I mean next life.
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